Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cancer Executive Conference

I just returned from Charlotte, SC where I attended the Association of Cancer Executives National Conference. This is an annual event and probably the group I have benefited from most during my professional career in oncology. However, this year was different because I was asked to address this group and talk about roadmapping tools I developed for strategic planning and progress management. Having done so, I learned a couple of things about myself:
  • The passion I have to teach is significantly influenced by the audience I am addressing. The people in this association are very good folk. I have really enjoyed and benefited from the collaboration I have had with many of them. However, there was a distinct difference for me in addressing this group as compared to looking into the audience and seeing bothers and sisters in Christ whom I share life with and have grown to love deeply.
  • The passion I have to teach is fueled by the topic I am teaching. Although I am proud of the tools I developed, it is not something that "lights my fire". As I presented on the topic, I felt restrained because I knew that what I had to say would not likely change some one's life. This is in sharp contrast to the Word of God which is living and active and sharper than any two edged sword piercing to the very marrow of the soul. Now that lights my fire!

In other words, although I was honored to present to such a prestigious group on a national level, I learned that I am not a teacher for teachings sake. I am a pastor, compelled by the Spirit of God, for the love of His people and the good news of the Gospel which is sufficient unto salvation. Thank you God for confirming this in the deepest parts of my heart.

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