Monday, April 11, 2011

Prayer of Praise

O Lord God,
Teach me to know grace precedes, accompanies and follows my salvation,
that it sustains the redeemed soul,
that not one link of its chain can ever break.

From Calvary’s cross wave upon wave of grace reaches me,
deals with my sin,
washes me clean,
renews my heart,
draws out my affection,
kindles a flame in my soul,
consecrates my every thought, word, work,
teaches me thy immeasurable love.

How great are my privileges in Christ Jesus!

Without Him I stand far off, a stranger, an outcast; in Him I draw near and touch his kingly scepter.
Without him I dare not lift my guilty eyes; in him I gaze upon my Father-God and friend.
Without him I hide my lips in trembling shame; in him I open my mouth in petition and praise.
Without him all is wrath and consuming fire; in him all is love, and the repose of my soul.
Without him is gaping hell below me, and eternal anguish; in him its gates are barred to me by his precious blood.
Without him darkness spreads its horrors in front; in him an eternity of glory is my boundless horizon.
Without him all within me is terror and dismay; in him every accusation is charmed into joy and peace.
Without him all things external call for my condemnation; in him they minister to my comfort, and are to be enjoyed with thanksgiving.
Praise be to thee for grace, and for the unspeakable gift of Jesus.

Arthur Bennett, The Valley of Vision

1 comment:

  1. Joining my heart in Praise with this author....Grace not just for salvation....but for all of our journey until we see Him face to face.......grace upon needy we generous He thankful I am!
